Reading List Marking Language Artists’ Reading List Back Artists taking part in Drawing Room's exhibition programme are invited to compile ‘reading lists’ that inform and expand the themes explored in their works. This list has been compiled for Marking Language, a group exhibition exploring the relationship between linguistic communication and drawing in recent art. Titles marked with an asterisk * are held in Outset Study. Title Author Selected by The Castle Franz Kafka Pavel Buchler The Story of Venus and Tannhausser * Aubrey Beardsley Karl Holmqvist Isis Unveiled Helena P. Blavatsky Karl Holmqvist Hebdomeros * Giorgio de Chirico Karl Holmqvist The Book of Lies Aleister Crowley Karl Holmqvist Voluptuous Panic * Mel Gordon Karl Holmqvist Goodbye to Berlin * Christopher Isherwood Karl Holmqvist Hustlers Grotto * Yayoi Kusama Karl Holmqvist Delirious New York * Rem Koolhas Karl Holmqvist Turn Off Your Mind Gary Valentine Lachman Karl Holmqvist Not Me Eileen Myles Karl Holmqvist Selected Poems and Translations * Ezra Pound Karl Holmqvist The Stones Of Venice * John Ruskin Karl Holmqvist The Moire Effect * Lytle Shaw Karl Holmqvist The Public Image * Muriel Spark Karl Holmqvist The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman * Laurence Sterne Pavel Buchler Watt (and some of his plays) * Samuel Beckett Pavel Buchler Man without Qualities Robert Musil Pavel Buchler The Shape of Things Vilém Flusser Pavel Buchler Silence John Cage Pavel Buchler Other People's Trades Primo Levi Pavel Buchler Remarks on Colour Ludwig Wittgenstein Pavel Buchler Homo Ludens Johan Huizinga Pavel Buchler Fragments of a Journal Eugène Ionesco Pavel Buchler 4'33" John Cage Pavel Buchler Transcribed texts of LLUVIA: (Related to different subjects: from precipitation extremes, to ethnolinguistics, to present situation of indigenous peoples in Colombia today) Johanna Calle Elementos de Etnolinguística Serie Escuela y Amazonia # 2 Ministerio de Educación Programa Fondo Amazónico, 1996 . Ana Joaquina Merchán Galindo Johanna Calle Historia de la Amazonia Serie Escuela y Amazonia # 4 Ministerio de Educación Programa Fondo Amazónico, 1996 Jorge Luis González Bermúdez Johanna Calle Grupos Étnicos Serie Escuela y Amazonia # 3 Ministerio de Educación Programa Fondo Amazónico, 1996 Jorge Rojas Gaitán Johanna Calle El desarrollo histórico del Campo Colombiano, Colombia Hoy, Jorge Orlando Melo Biblioteca Virtual, Bibiloteca Luis Ángel Arango. Salomón Kalmanovitz Johanna Calle Los indígenas colombianos, hoy: Su situación real, problemas y alternativas (Journal article taken from: Credential History Magazine (Bogota - Colombia) Issue 33 September 1992) Myriam Jimeno Santoyo Johanna Calle Resguardos Indígenas, ganadería y conflictos sociales en el Bolívar Grande, Historia Crítica, Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, 2007 (Journal Article issue July-Dec 2007, pages 92-117) Florez Bolívar & Solano de las Aguas Johanna Calle Human contribution to more intense precipitation Extremes Nature # 378 Vol 470, February 2011 Various authors Johanna Calle Heavy Rains linked to Humans, New York Times, February 2011 Justin Gillis Johanna Calle Acid Rain, Science and Politics in Japan, MIT Press, 2004 Kenneth E. Wilkening Johanna Calle Calude Palabra mítica de la gente del agua Edición Especial, Caja Agraria, Caja de Crédito Agrario Editorial Andes, Colombia 1980 Milagros Palma Johanna Calle Alfabeto Cultural para adultos campesinos Corporación autónoma Regional de los valles del Sinú y del San Jorge, Montería, Córdoba 1985 Benjamin Puche Villadiego Johanna Calle Colonización, Memoria y Resistencia. Construcción del Territorio Yaguará II (Llanos del Yarí, Colombia) desde el destierro Boletín de Antropología, Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín Volumen 27 No 44 págs. 68- 88 María Eugenia González Vélez Johanna Calle Etimología, Cambridge University Press, 1993 Ediciones Cátedra, S. A. 1996 Madrid Yakov Malkiel Johanna Calle Obra Completa Editorial Seix Barral,Biblioteca Mayor, Planeta Editorial Colombiana, S.A. Colombia 1997 Germán Castro Caicedo Johanna Calle Silent Music and Invisible Art. In: Natural Histroy. (87) 5, p.90-99. New York: American Museum of natural History, 1978 Edmund Carpenter Johanna Calle Las cuatro estaciones Mitología y estructura social entre los U’wa, Colección Bibliográfica, Banco de la República, Museo del Oro, Colombia, 1995 Ann Osbom Johanna Calle Arte Indígena no Brasil: agencia, alteridade e relacao, Editora C/Arte, Belo Horizonte, 2009 Els Lagrou Johanna Calle Mimesis and Alterity. A particular history of the senses New York/ London: Routledge, 1993 Michael Taussig Johanna Calle Rules of the game (4 volumes, 2 translated into English - "Scraps" and Scratches") Michel Leiris Annabel Daou A short history of decay E.M. Cioran Annabel Daou Laure: the collected writings Laure Colette Peignot Annabel Daou How to live together (Comment Vivre Ensemble) Roland Barthes Annabel Daou The Gaze of Orpheus and other Literary Essays Maurice Blanchot Annabel Daou Malone Dies Samuel Beckett Annabel Daou The Story of Venus and Tannhausser (Under the Hill) Aubrey Beardsley Karl Holmqvist Isis Unveiled Helena P Blavatsky Karl Holmqvist Hebdomeros Giorgio de Chirico Karl Holmqvist The Book of Lies Aleister Crowley Karl Holmqvist Voluptuous Panic Mel Gordon Karl Holmqvist Goodbye to Berlin Christopher Isherwood Karl Holmqvist Hustlers Grotto Yayoi Kusama Karl Holmqvist Delirious New York Rem Koolhaas Karl Holmqvist Turn Off Your Mind Gary Valentin Lachman Karl Holmqvist Not me Eileen Myles Karl Holmqvist Selected Poems and Translations Ezra Pound Karl Holmqvist The Stones Of Venice John Ruskin Karl Holmqvist The Moire Effect Lytle Shaw Karl Holmqvist The Public Image Muriel Spark Karl Holmqvist Cantico del sole Ezra Pound Karl Holmqvist Invocation of my demon brother, soundtrack made for a Kenneth Anger film Mick Jagger Karl Holmqvist Austerlitz W. G. Sebald Benardo Ortiz The Rings of Saturn W. G. Sebald Benardo Ortiz The Collected Poems of Frank O’Hara Frank O’Hara Benardo Ortiz Poesía Completa Alvaro Mutis Benardo Ortiz Baladas y Canciones Leon De Greiff Benardo Ortiz El Cuervo blanco Fernando Vallejo Benardo Ortiz Diccionario de construcción y regimen de la lengua española Rufino Jose Cuervo Benardo Ortiz Correction Thomas Bernhard Benardo Ortiz La literatura Nazi en America Roberto Bolaño Benardo Ortiz El mal de Montano Enrique Vila-Matas Benardo Ortiz Myth as stolen language (Myth Today Section at the end of the Book) Shahzia Sikander Mythologie Roland Barthes Shahzia Sikander In Paul Klee's Enchanted Garden (catalogue of exhibition at Bergen Art Museum, Henie Onstad Art Center, Zentrum Paul Klee, Bern Shahzia Sikander In Other Rooms Other Wonders Daniyal Mueenuddin Shahzia Sikander Step Across This Line Salman Rushdie Shahzia Sikander Ghalib: Epistemologies of Elegance Azra Raza & Sara Suleri Goodyear Shahzia Sikander Related Content Exhibition Marking Language 10 October 2013 – 14 December 2013 Event Marking Language Reading Group 20 November 2013 See more related content