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Philippe Vandenberg: Innocence is precisely: never to avoid the worst.


SKU: 978-8857214146 Category:

A selection of drawings by two Belgian artists: Philippe Vandenberg, painter, and Berlinde De Bruyckere, sculptress. Philippe Vandenberg (Ghent, 1952 Brussels, 2009) was a foremost Belgian painter, whose oeuvre presented a series of radical stylistic and thematic shifts, reflecting both a personal trajectory and responses to varying socio-cultural changes. The creative basis of Berlinde De Bruyckeres drawings, sculptures and installations, is rooted in her childhood, and has been layered over with subsequent experiences and ideas. Its figurative points of departure render her work highly recognizable. Even though their oeuvres are so divergent in approach, sensibility, imagery, style, iconography, they show some strong affinity. As far as the content of their work is concerned, the two artists share parallel existential views, as well as a deep interest in the literary world, in the history of Western art, and in the traditions of religious imagery. The starting point is Berlinde De Bruyckeres intuitive selection from Philippe Vandenberg's legacy of drawings. For more than one year she leafed through his work. From the extensive amount of drawings that he left behind, she selected about 70 items and joined them to a selection from her own drawings. This book is the reflection of a meeting. It is a dialogue, not between artists who may, or may not, have known each other, but between their corpus of drawings.

136 pages

Dimensions: 24.7 x 1.9 x 28.8 cm

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