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A Tale of Mother’s Bones: Grace Pailthorpe, Reuben Mednikoff and the Birth of Psyhorealism


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SKU: 978-1-907208-86-7 Category:

Dr Grace Pailthorpe (1883-1971) and Reuben Mednikoff (1906-1972) began collaborating in 1935. This richly illustrated book includes an expansive new essay that explores how Pailthorpe and Mednikoff used a tale they told about their gender, spiritual beliefs, the critical reception their work recieved, and the rise of Facism. The book also features seven contemporary responses from the fields of art, art history, medical humanties and modern literature, bringing new theories, ideas, and approaches to an understanding and appreciation of seven individual works.

Edited by Hope Wolf with Rosie Cooper, Martin Clark and Gina Buenfeld.

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