Reading List Double Take Bibliography Back This list provides key titles for further reading around Double Take, an exhibition exploring the relationship between drawing and photography. A selection of these titles is available to read at Outset Study. Titles marked with an asterisk * are held in Outset Study. Title Author Selected by Dove Allouche : Point Triple, Galerie d'Art graphique 26 juin-9 septembre 2013 [exhibition catalogue] * Jonas Storsve Le soleil sous la mer : Dove Allouche [exhibition catalogue] * Philippe-Alain Michaud, Jean-Charles Vergne, Marc Donnadieu Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography * Roland Barthes ‘Photogenics’ in "The Photography Reader" edited by Liz Wells, pp. 228-239 Geoffrey Batchen Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media * Walter Benjamin ‘Five Notes for a Phenomenology of the Photographic Image’, in "The Photography Reader" edited by Liz Wells, pp.87-89 Hubert Damische Tacita Dean: Seven Books Grey * Tacita Dean Tacita Dean: Analogue: Drawings 1991-2006 * Theodora Vischer, Isabel Friedli Tacita Dean (Contemporary Artists: Phaidon) * Tacita Dean "“Self-Generated” Images" in "Releasing the Image: From Literature to New Media" edited by Jacques Khalip and Robert Mitchell * Peter Geimer Graphology: Drawing - From Automatism to Automation * Edwin Carels, Kate Macfarlane Gramophone, Film, Typewriter Friedrich A. Kittler The Optical Unconscious Rosalind E. Krauss The Originality of the Avant-garde and Other Modernist Myths * Rosalind E. Krauss Motion Capture: Drawing and the Moving Image * [exhibition catalogue] Ed Krčma "Tacita Dean and Still Life" in "Art History", Vol. 37, No.5, November 2014, pp. 960-977 [article] Ed Krčma Cinematic Drawing in a Digital Age, Tate Papers no. 14 Ed Krčma ‘Drawing Time: Tacita Dean’s Narratives of Inscription’, in "Enclave Review", no 7, Spring 2013 [article] Michael Newman ‘The Marks, Traces, and Gestures of Drawing’ in "The Stage of Drawing: Gesture and Act,Selected from the Tate Collection" * Michael Newman Salt and Silver: Early Photography 1840-1860 [exhibition catalogue] Marta Braun, Hope Kingsley "Drawing in the Dark" in Tate Papers no.18 Autumn 2012 Susan Morris On Photography * Susan Sontag Against Interpretation and Other Essays * Susan Sontag ‘On the Art of Fixing a Shadow’, London, 1839 William Henry Fox Talbot The Pencil of Nature * William Henry Fox Talbot Learning to Draw: Studies in the Cultural History of a Polite and Useful Art* Ann Bermingham "A Short History of Photography" [First published in Screen, 1972, volume 13 issue 1, pp. 5-26] Walter Benjamin The Emergence of Cinematic Time: Modernity, Contingency, the Archive * Mary Ann Doane Nature: Josh Brand * (published by Hassla Books, New York, 2013) Josh Brand Whitney Biennial 2010 * Beth A. Huseman Tacita Dean * (published by MACBA, Barcelona, 2000) Tacita Dean * Michael Hamburger Tacita Dean * Jean-Christophe Royoux Tacita Dean : c/o Jolyon * (published by Konig, Cologne, 2013) De mar en mar : The Sea Works of Tacita Dean * (published by Fundacion Botin, Santander, 2014) Vicente Todoli Margarita Gluzberg : Avenue des Gobelins * (published by Paradise Row, London, 2011) Pierre Bismuth * (published by Editions Flammarion, Paris 2005) Marcel Broodthaers* Emma Dean Paul Chiappe : Series 2012 * (published by Carslaw St Lukes, London, 2012) Colin Perry Fast & Slow Time : Richard Forster, Colm Toibin* Mima & Ingleby Gallery Richard Forster : Michael Bracewell * (published by Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, 2008) Richard Forster : Modern * (published by Ingleby Gallery, Edinburgh, 2014) Bela Kolarova * "A Short History of Photography" By Walter Benjamin, first published in "Screen", 1972, volume 13 issue 1, pp. 5-26 William Henry Fox Talbot * Geoffrey Batchen Related Content Exhibition Double Take 14 April 2016 – 12 June 2016 Event Drawing and Photography 13 April 2016 See more related content