
Book Marks Bookclub




Join us on the second Wednesday of every month for a discussion on a selection of literature from around the world.  We’ll be reading fiction, short stories and poetry, exploring titles recommended to us by artists participating in our programme, as well as hearing what our book club community would like to read and discuss.  We’ll be taking it in turns to read selected passages out loud together (for those who wish to) from which we’ll start off the conversation.  You are welcome to join in with the discussion or just listen, but please note to participate you will need to have purchased and read your own copy of the book in advance of each event.

Our first three book clubs will be exploring experiences of the city from different perspectives, with books selected by artist Emily Speed, who participated in our recent exhibition UNBUILD: a site of possibility.

Wednesday 12th June 2024, 6.30-7.30 pm – we’ll be discussing Spring Garden by Tomoko Shibasaki. 15 places available, please book your place by 10th June by emailing [email protected].

Wednesday 10th July 2024,  6.30-7.30 pm – we’ll be discussing The City & The City by China Miéville. 15 places available, please book your place by 8th July by emailing [email protected]

Wednesday 14th August 2024, 6.30-7.30 pm – we’ll be discussing Life Ceremony by Sayaka Murata. 15 places available, please book your place by 12th August by emailing [email protected]