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Drawing Circle

From only £2,000 a year


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Individual membership: £2,000 a year or £166.66 a month
(Donation £1,890; Benefits £110)

Joint membership: £2,500 a year or £208.33 a month
(Donation £2,280: Benefits £220)


As a member of our close circle of supporters you will have access to exclusive events and enjoy a first-hand relationship with our Co-founders/Directors, team, artists and curators. Benefits include:

  • Private tours of Drawing Room exhibitions with the Co-Directors and exhibiting artists
  • Visits to artists’ studios, collections and bespoke events
  • Advisory service on collecting drawing
  • Named acknowledgement in the gallery, publications and website
  •  Priority booking on tickets for talks and events
  • Monthly membership newsletters
  • Invitation to post opening receptions


Tax Effective Giving

Any donation can qualify for 25% Gift Aid as long as the donor is a UK taxpayer.  Please ensure you select ‘gift aid’ when making payment to help your donation go further.

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