
Ciara Phillips: Workshop (2010 – ongoing)


Showroom presents Ciara Phillips: Workshop, the research for which was undertaken during the artist’s residency at Drawing Room

Showroom presents Ciara Phillips: Workshop. Research and work for this exhibition was developed during Phillips’ 2013 Bursary Award residency at Drawing Room, London.

2 October–30 November 2013
Preview: Tuesday 1 October, 6:30–8:30pm

The Showroom

63 Penfold Street

London NW8 8PQ

Hours: Wednesday–Saturday noon–6pm


– Drawing Room Bursary Award was supported
by CASS ART – London’s leading independent art stores and provider of the
world’s top creative art materials. Cass Art is committed to encouraging
everyone to realise their creative talents, supporting numerous art initiatives
and prizes across the capital.